The Marvel Cinematic Universe has a plethora of classics in its library, but Ant-Man and the Wasp often gets overlooked. The movie is a perfect blend of action, comedy, and heart-warming moments that make it the most underrated MCU movie. It features a star-studded cast, including Paul Rudd and Evangeline Lilly, and a compelling storyline that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. The special effects are also top-notch and make the movie look as if it was taken from a comic book. With a unique perspective and an exciting narrative, Ant-Man and the Wasp is a must-see for any MCU fan.
Many people have mixed feelings about Ant Man and the Wasp. The movie has received mixed reviews, with some feeling that it lacks the depth of its predecessor, the first Ant Man movie. Others feel that the movie was focused too much on the humor and not enough on the story. Some people also feel that the movie was too reliant on special effects and not enough on character development. Additionally, some felt that the movie was too lighthearted, and didn't have the same level of gravitas as other Marvel movies. Ultimately, Ant Man and the Wasp is an enjoyable movie, but one that didn't quite reach the heights of other Marvel films.